Despite all forms of killing, destruction, massacres, starvation wars and siege, the Zionist enemy has failed to achieve any of the declared goals of its aggression against the Gaza Strip, and the resistance continues steadfastly to exhaust the Zionist enemy and is waging a battle of attrition against it. The large losses incurred by the Zionist enemy, and the ability of the resistance to direct its strikes even in areas that were invaded and destroyed, indicate that the Zionist enemy is drowning in the quagmire of the Gaza Strip, and that it is far from and unable to achieve any of its goals.

We affirm that all plans of the occupation and the U.S. administration for the so-called “day after” the war on the Gaza Strip, guardianship, bringing in international peace forces, imposing administration on the Gaza Strip, or interfering in Palestinian affairs under humanitarian or relief justifications, are suspicious attempts that are inevitably doomed to failure.

The Palestinian people are the ones who will determine the future of the Gaza Strip and its political system, and will resist and confront these plans. On the anniversary of Land Day, we renew the call to restore respect to the Arab and international dimensions and to mobilize all the energies of friendly peoples, parties and global movements to innovate and escalate forms of struggle to support the Palestinian people, and to continue besieging Zionist and Western embassies and the headquarters of international institutions, in support of the Palestinian cause.