• halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    A full time job should never result in being close anywhere close to any assistance programs.

    We’ve let our society fail all of us.

    • BigMikeInAustin@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      We let corporations take over without limit or recourse.

      Walmart pays a wage to people whose job it is to help other Walmart employees apply for government assistance. That’s way cheaper to Walmart than paying people more. Then the government assistance comes from the lower 90% who do pay taxes.

      Minimum wage hasn’t been raised in decades. It has increased a bit only in a few places.

      Over half (guesstimate) of prepared food workers do not have a steady income. They rely on a few customers to tip. And very rarely have any sick time or vacation time or health benefits.

      You’ve eaten food that has been handled by someone sick with a fever because they were highly discouraged from staying home sick.

      • chingadera@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        You know what? Fuck this. I’m so godamn sick of seeing people say “we let this happen” as if we can just suddenly not let it happen. This happens because our current society is just a rebranding of feudalism, and to not give the rich their due on responsibility is downright wrong. We did not let shit happen, WE attempted to survive and got fucked, and continued to get fucked. I’ve seen this enough times now that everyone one of you reading this better expect to read it again the next time you or I see anything remotely close to “WE lET ThIS HapPen”

        I want to put this edit here because I didn’t expect your comment to get nuked after mine, and because you do raise a lot of good and productive points. I was drunk when I wrote this and it came with a lot of anger that I should have held back. I just think you should reevaluate the first part, other than that, you’re spot on.