• MilitantVegan@lemmy.worldOP
    4 months ago

    The prevalence of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and autoimmune disorders in western society indicates that we are really shitty at being omnivores at best.

    • Rustmilian@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Yes. Because people like you lean ridiculously hard into one way or the other. We need a variety of food sources to sustainability receive all the nutrients we need to live. Eating a majority let alone an only meat or plant based diet is the complete wrong direction, and this is scientific fact. At least with plants it’s possible to find substitutes, however some substitute’s aren’t nearly as sustainable as the vegan agenda tries to lead you to believe, Cough cough almonds cough cough. May, Spirulina save us all.

      • alekwithak@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        Vegan agenda? Vegans can’t even keep their own social media platform alive, you think they have a collective agenda? It’s just an unconnected group of people who all chose to reduce harm or reduce their cholesterol. Personally I think everyone should do what is best for themselves. I understand that the descendants of, say, people in India who have been vegetarian for thousands of years, would have an easier time going veg than, idk an Inuit? But the person you’re replying to makes a fair point in that we eat WAY more meat than (unless you’re Inuit) out great-grandparents, and it absolutely is related to the currently elevated levels of heart disease. Or course we eat a lot more sugar and random lab chemicals than our great-grandparents, too.

        Anecdotally I haven’t had meat or dairy in over a decade, I don’t take any supplements, and despite how many have people told me I was going to die of malnutrition or b-12 deficiency, it hasn’t happened yet. I get annual blood panels literally just to show people because if they find out I don’t eat the same things as them, all of the sudden every Mcnugget^TM muncher becomes an expert on nutrition and the natural order of things (Hence the meme). So yeah no it’s not really a scientific fact… Meanwhile my mother ate a streak practically every night and barely made it past 50. Multiple doctors told her to give up red meat and she literally chose death. Live and let die, I guess.

        So yeah I really don’t get the “militant vegan” thing and I wish they could see they only hurt the cause they love. Some are probably controlled opposition from The National Pork board, pork is after all the other white meats but I digest… When you look around you and see nothing but horrors and people you love and respect turning a blind eye to it, that experience tends to radicalize you. I’m not saying that’s what is objectively happening, but that is their perspective if you care to understand it. I have been there and was much more hardcore in my younger days, but as I get older I realize dumb shit like “meatless Mondays” is doing more harm reduction than pissing off a bunch of people who want to defend their right to eat meat.

    • SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
      4 months ago

      Sugar and tobacco aren’t meats. I assure you that heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and autoimmune disorders would still exist even if no one ate meat.

      • MilitantVegan@lemmy.worldOP
        4 months ago

        They probably would, and hyperpalatized processed foods and our toxic food environment are a problem that effect both plant-based foods and animal nonfoods.

        But it takes a lot of effort to break plants into smaller constituents and rebuild them into something bad for our bodies. Animal products do that by default, and there’s no getting rid of that.

        (and of course that’s in addition to all the other myriad reasons why it’s best to not eat animals).