• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I do agree. Unfortunately most manufacturers of diesel engines aren’t stoked about environmental regulations and plenty have stopped trying all together.

    Currently their plan is to just throw more urea at the exhaust.

    I remember them having to bypass the DEF system on a lot of vehicles because they didn’t make enough spare parts of the system they put in. So I’m sure they knew either face public backlash or get fined by the government. It was probably a calculation where the 2b was on the cheaper side from them. I’m sure they made enough money that they don’t feel the need to fight it.

    Once again, not an endorsement. I’m sure every diesel engine manufacturer is/will/was doing the same thing.

  • "By taking a holistic look at the yearly progression of the Antarctic ozone hole over the last two decades, we find that:

    The addition of recent years to the Antarctic (60°S–90°S) total column ozone time series results in insignificant long-term change since the early 2000’s, even where significant recovery has previously been reported. During this time, we find a delay in both the deep ozone hole onset date as well as the breakup date."


    Tl:dr if all you’re doing is looking at the peak/minimum times of year it can seem better. The hole “breathes” and they’re getting delayed.

    I work on diesel trucks, they create a lot of N0x. This article talks about how N0x being bad. It’s a niche thing but I at least understand why I tend to see these things first.

  • I’ll throw my 2 cents in. My experience closest to a situation like this is when one of my inlaws came to discover he was ace, while having a wife and kids. I won’t go into the weeds with what happened because I heard most of it through my spouse but I know it put a lot of strain on their marriage before their realization. Afterwards they had something to work on, which did help.

    They’re still married after a few years. But it’s a situation where I feel they should open it up because one side isn’t getting their needs met.

    The thing that will be important is being honest. My experience being with trans women is that their tastes/needs/wants change from pre transition to fine with where they’re at. I’m not the same person as my 10 year old self. It isn’t a bad thing, but as I said be honest to both yourself and your spouse. Think about how you want her to treat you. Think about how you want your child to treat you.

    Good luck, and I hope everything works well for you!

  • I really wish I could grab your eyes and make you look at the state of children.

    I have a brother inlaw who is used to be in the FBI a few years ago, who found out he was Asexual. Before that realization it put a huge strain on his marriage.

    There is no way to learn about something that you have no idea even exists. If they will fire you for talking about the possibility of liking the same sex, then someone can suggest the book instead of becoming at risk of getting fired. Once again, getting fired for saying that anything but hetero exists at all is bad, and this gives a way to “talk” about it.

  • What? I said “as long as it’s a culture war issue.” meaning that people are playing dirty, and refuse to not play dirty.

    So I am saying restricting sex education is a bad policy, and the moral thing to do is to teach children, specifically young adults, about the world is a good thing. The policy I’m advocating for is good sex education, and conservatives want to argue for a system that allows for more pederasty. How can I not be against that?

    But “good” policy is subjective. Talking policy in a partisan space like this won’t move anyone. I would be screaming into a void.

  • There is less war, but that’s not always a great indicator. Depending on how you define “war” you could even define Ukraine/Russian war not as a war.

    Life expectancy is going up because of 3rd world countries finally catching up. It’s going down in America.

    The “world” is also getting richer. But the average person is getting poorer.

    Also ozone layer isn’t doing great, there are race riots still, there is threat of nuclear war with Russia existing in its current state, a lot of rights are threatened and a lot of people want to return to a time before women’s suffrage. I haven’t looked up anything on infant mortality, but I imagine with abortion band happening that will also change for the worse.

    The only peace I’ve found is action.