• 322 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: August 24th, 2019


  • The part about cold fusion was strange and I completely occluded it in my original article (the OP). I think he had to mention it because he had to find a way for these nukes, if there were indeed nukes used on Gaza, to be conspicuous. Cold fusion would allow for payloads that, like he said, would be no bigger than a baseball bat.

    But the findings stand on their own. For example I don’t believe Busby is lying when he said he analyzed air vent samples and soil samples and found what he found. They definitely require further investigation and Al Mayadeen was looking for more vehicle air ventilation filters and long hair samples from people and vehicles that have been around “Israeli” bomb craters to analyze through another researcher.

  • That’s strange, maybe because OP deleted their account and so it deleted the post as well except for mods. I’ll paste my comment:

    That is not what happened at all. It’s what Nameless_Partisan claimed happened.

    Partisan had always been heated and quick to ban on the community they created. Early on they showed they were not open to discussion on their opinions. This is fine, we don’t police how people carry themselves. But it shows their personality. They were not banned for this behaviour.

    Later they went into a diatribe against another user on the Palestine community, completely unprompted, after that person asked for advice. The person in question was an Israeli communist and I know that raises a lot of eyebrows (it did to me too) but there is a lot of depth to Israeli communists, most of them being Palestinians who were naturalized after Nakba, and the communist party of Israel calling for the dissolution of this state. This attack was unprompted and I was the one who banned them for a measly 3 days and only from the Palestine community for a violation of rule 3. Not difficult to find it was me in the modlog as I’m the only mod of the Palestine community and I also told them in the comments, to which they never replied but later brought up in their farewell post, leaving it stirring without wanting to engage with us (the admins) as had always been the case.

    They could have taken the time to ask the person in question what it meant to them to be a communist in such a country, etc, but instead decided to start attacking a comrade on Lemmygrad out of nowhere.

    We built a community here and while we don’t ask users where they come from there is some basic level of comradeship that builds itself with the account vetting system in place and the fact that we’re all MLs. If you can’t even afford that basic amount of politeness to anyone then yes, that is a breach of rule 3.

    But their comment to the user in question was not deleted. Nameless instead deleted their entire comment history later on so I couldn’t even tell you what they told that Israeli person.

    Their comment that was deleted was essentially saying it was okay to kill Israeli children. An admin decided to remove it as it could bring trouble to Lemmygrad. But we’ve never deleted comments about targetting settlers or calling for the end of Israel, etc. We make these comments ourselves too.

    They were not banned for this comment, it was merely deleted. This is also around the time they changed their bio in their profile to say “Banned for being mean to an israeli colonizer.” but again a- they did not know if that person was a colonizer (and if they don’t know that there are Arabs with second-class Israeli citizenship then they are not qualified to speak so much about Palestine) and b- they were temp banned from a single community.

    They were also not called a terrorist but their comment was deleted for advocating terrorism. This might seem pedantic, but the distinction is important. Calling someone a terrorist is an accusation. Deleting a comment for advocating terrorism is not placing the blame on them, just that the wording of the comment, while accidental, came off this way. This is when they renamed their account as “mean_arab_terrorist”.

    Later, they made their farewell post where they brought their version of events, but we debunked it there as well, and Partisan never once replied to the comments.

    Since their original farewell post was locked, someone made a different post in Comradeship to talk about that farewell post. Edit: found it again: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/617510

    When you put all of this together it starts to look like they were more interested in stirring up trouble than actually engaging with the platform, most of the time posting in their own community from which they indiscriminately banned people who disagreed with them. But again, this is not a bannable offense on Lemmygrad as there are plenty of other communities to participate on.

    Despite this, Partisan was not banned from the website and the entire admin team was in agreement that they were not easy to manage, so to speak, but that nothing was ban-worthy by itself. What was problematic to us was that at no point did NP try to contact us to explain their issues, instead preferring to indirectly talk at us by changing their display name or profile bio. I don’t think they ever once replied to any of my comments either.

    They came back 3 months after that farewell post, which they locked right after they made it (but we did not touch in any way), to say in Arabic “May God’s peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you. I am a Shiite. I no longer participate on this site because it is occupied by Satan. May God protect you.”

    Totally a normal thing to say 3 months after you made your goodbyes and you got the slightest slap on the wrist for not obeying the site rules which are prominently displayed.

    Someone reported that comment and that is when Partisan finally got banned from Lemmygrad for inciting trouble on a website that they willingly left.

  • Just to recontextualize nameless partisan, they weren’t banned for changing their name, we understood it as a provocation (which they had been doing for a while), but they were banned for a different reason which was the conclusion for the culmination of 5 months of trying to provoke the mod team without ever wanting to engage in dialogue. I previously wrote about it here: https://lemmygrad.ml/comment/2650277

    I have changed my stance on the communist party of ‘israel’ since then, though I still think there’s some amount of depth to its existence, but they really dropped the ball on October 7 lol. Regardless it’s not a big point in the events around this user.

    edit: otherwise I agree completely with point number 2, I would have made it myself lol. With the tools we have at our disposal we do the best we can, I think in general the community is good at self-moderating as seen from this thread. It leads to a culture of self-responsibility. And yeah, we (I) have no interest in doing extensive research on every new account to make sure they’re not an alt. The general rule of thumb is that if we can’t tell they’re an alt then what’s the harm? If they got banned the first time they’ll get banned a second time under a different account, they’ll slip up eventually. Unless they actually changed and improved, in which case we won’t ban them. And in the meantime we run the risk of banning a completely innocent person based on conjecture.