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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • At least in my country, you’re in there because you’re a danger to yourself or others, with weight on the latter because if you’re suicidal and lucid then they can’t section you.

    So it is kinda the same thing, like people in prison are kept in that way because they’re dangerous to the population.

    Obviously there’s voluntary admissions and stuff, but they’re fewer and the staff there aren’t really briefed so it’s easier to care for everyone the same

  • This isn’t a trick question, literally tell them about yourself.

    I usually start with my current job role, a couple of recent acheivements, and then where I want to go next and why. So for a fictitious example you might say -

    “I’m currently a junior designer at Smiths Design, I’ve recently been involved in the rebrand and was responsible for the new colour scheme that recieved positive press in our industry journal, I feel like I’d like to move more into the development of brands as that’s where I think my strengths lie so that’s why I thought this company was a great fit”

    For you, you can either talk about your previous roles or you can mention your role as a carer for your family because that’s a real job too even though it isn’t paid.

  • Do you think that qualified, capable people - doctors, lawyers, economists, engineers

    This is a fallacy. You’re thinking of jobs that earn a lot of money and supposing those people might be good at running a country but that’s not really how it works.

    Someone who is a specialist in one area will have spent years studying that area but that doesn’t mean they know anything about other areas at all or have good judgement. For an MP you want more of an all rounder, someone who has general knowledge but is prepared to listen to experts along with their constituents. You want someone humble enough to realise when they don’t know enough and someone willing to find out.