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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • Nah mate you’re delusional. If we’re talking the LOWEST BAR POSSIBLE: don’t be obese. It’s so simple to just intake less calories. We’re not saying lose body fat, get into shape, become an athlete, or 12% bf. Just literally set your bmi ( a bullshit measurement anyway) to AT MINIMUM overweight.

    Yes it’s ludicrously trivial and requires you to just stop eating so much. The same fucking method vets have your dog do when they weigh too much.

    As I said elsewhere, calories and consistency are 90%, everything else is to optimize your goal. And the vast majority of people are lazy morons who can’t stay consistent.

  • Torvum@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldCoincidence?
    11 months ago

    Yeah, kinda the entire state of discourse and why anyone not terminally online hates talking about anything in proximity of political or controversial. The only people you see blow up in attention are those so derogatory, shameless, and degenerate who are well passed caring about social consideration and manners in debate or conversation. It’s literally just about the concept of ratio and “I have more invisible people giving me gratification than you”. Social media gave birth to the concept that anyone can be important for long enough to get high on the feeling, and it’s fucking dismal for a functional society.

    I fear you’re going to see gen alpha kids, who are consuming this at a rate far greater than any previous generation, will become just braindead. I’ve already seen it where a lot of 11-13 year old kids I know still act like they’re 6 and parrot memetic shit that has no meaning beyond just being something repeated to them during their parental granted 6 hours of screentime.

  • Torvum@lemmy.worldtoGaming@lemmy.mlA tale as old as time
    11 months ago

    Okay. Dev goes into negative shoveling even more money and retaining the original development team into a product they already released to apologize. New expansion completely revamps the game and ignites hundreds of positive reviews and complete public opinion turnaround.

    Now remind me when modern EA ever gave a game post release care. Most of their catalogue is just games they already released but with less features now so they can add it back in 4 years as a marketing ploy to be new. They aren’t even in the same league.

  • I’m talking about endogenous and exogenous hormones. Peptides, steroids, sarms and the like. But with training, recovery is always the most important factor for muscle growth with synthesis, so unless you have perfect conditions all the time (impossible for a natural) it’s better to optimize around recovery than being in the gym. Starting Strength is great for beginners like OP.

    I’ve been doing a volume Bench Squat 5x5 Dead 1x5/intensity (start by doing heavy weight for sets of 5, when that’s too heavy do sets of 3, then down to 5 sets of 1, 3 sets of 1, a single max, then reset) 2 day split with one light day with band work to improve ligaments and neck work to avoid another herniated disc. I honestly consider this the best for naturals in both recovery and time, but with more exercises added in. I’m restricting to the main lifts for powerlifting competition, but adding accessories to focus more on triceps, or rack pulls, etc would be good. Since starting this a few months ago my squat has gone from a 1x5 315 squat to a 415 max and 325 5x5 as a 6’2 natural powerlifter (I’ve only been lifting seriously for 3 years and powerlifting for a year and a half, my trainer has been training for 15 years and hit a 610 deadlift naturally but now in his 30s with low 300 free test he takes TRT)

    5x5s are great, Practical Programming is a good book to follow Starting Strength, I recommend reading Alex Leonidas’ Naturally Enhanced for a more hypertrophy approach. The Texas Program is good. Most of these are designed around the same concept of a 2 day full body one volume heavy the other intensity.

  • Unless you take drugs, doing two or three full body workouts a week separated by 72 (for 2) or 48 (for 3) hours is far more optimal for protein synthesis operation. PPL and upper lower bro splits only work when you literally don’t have to worry about recovery (perfect T and other hormones).

    But the rest of this is great advice and would recommend Starting Strength before 5x5.

  • Self admittance that you are not taking personal control over it, causing your being underweight. When you become stressed you’re turning focus even more away from your diet, focusing instead on other issues, and begin unconsciously overeating. All the points leading to personal responsibility over your diet and the consequences of inconsistency.

    Anyone struggling, and refusing to take the accountability to just flip a food container and check the amount of calories, is lazy. If you’re comfortable with your weight, fine that’s fair. But if you’re unhappy, dealing with health repercussions, and wish for something better: put the work in. This idea that society as a whole is obese because of fructose (a sugar found naturally in fruit) or any sugar is braindead and would come from the same people who fell for “Eggs are bad because they have cholesterol”. Uneducated, misinformed, and unwilling to learn or act, those are the issues. All solvable through personal growth and accountability, something sorely missing in this new cringe culture of being coddled. And in my experience/opinion, anyone unwilling to take their issues seriously and grow for themselves, aren’t my fucking concern and they could die obese for all I care.

    My own anecdotal experience was being overweight after highschool due to a reduction in my activity but no change in intake. I picked up powerlifting as a hobby and began to explore data, books, and videos by well known industry members like Mark Rippetoe and Dr. Mike Israetel regarding both training and nutrition. Since then I’ve successfully managed my weight the way I need it for competition by calorie counting and tracking how my weight responds weekly. Take this year: I’m 6’2 and in January was ~230 wanted to bulk, by June was ~270 decided to cut, now I’m 242.

    Objectively the only way to not be obese is calorie deficit management. This is basic thermogenic energy balance science and the only people who seem to not understand it are the psuedo-intellectuals here that have never been active or done a sport in their life.

  • Tell people to own their own faults and if they want change look inward instead of for confirmation biased articles rooted in bad data: “erm no its not my fault I just have a thyroid problem and also my brain is telling me im hungry and I HAVE to listen and also um I just erm um”

    Cope. Millions of people have fixed their weight issues and it wasn’t through anything but a controlled diet.

  • I literally powerlift. I bulked from 230 pounds to 270 within 6 months and cut back to 242 within another 4 by, wait for it, eating whole foods and counting my caloric intake tracked with my weight change twice a week. If you’re obese and don’t realize the inability to fix it is your own fault, you’re coping and desperate for any level of confirmation bias like this trash paper to make you feel better.

    6’2, 18% bodyfat (maybe 24% at max weight), under no drug assistance beyond caffeine if you want to count it.

    Nevermind Sumo wrestlers who eat a shit ton of rice and protein rich stews and beer. Average about 6000 calories a day and oh would you look there. Obese. (Spoiler, after they retire from the stable they usually end up losing all that weight because, oh, they stop eating 6000 calories a day). You people treat cico like it’s a theory and not just basic energy maintenance of the body.

  • Just because you are not actively counting, doesn’t mean you aren’t at maintenance or below. The vast majority of morons that are incapable of understanding basic thermogenics and the fact that if your body is fueled less than it needs it will draw from stored adipose lipids and if fed more than needed it goes back into storage, are just coping beyond anything.

    Obesity is not caused by your desire to eat. It is caused by your inability to stop eating. End of discussion. Metabolism is a buzzword to describe people too lazy to understand basic concepts. Look in any gym and the people who maintain willpower to eat less and focus on energy intake are the quickest to achieve results. There are reasons that losers looking for the easy way to weight loss never receive longterm results. This isn’t a “well um yes you can gain or lose weight through calories” it’s literally the ONLY way. Even hormone imbalances only increase or decrease your need for intake. This is something understood since the Spartans who would eat less if they noticed any fat gain in their physiques. There’s a reason every single diet based in fact will tell you to spend 3 months in a deficit and 2-3 months in a ned maintenance, to establish the new baseline. This is a marathon not a sprint. You’re the only one disgracing “medical science” by trying to overcomplicate a very simple concept.