Marxist-Leninist (relatively novice) with an umbrella ☔

  • 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 1st, 2024


  • People who make fun of LLMs most often do get LLMs and try to point out how they tend to spew out factually incorrect information, which is a good thing since many many people out there do not, in fact, “get” LLMs (most are not even acquainted with the acronym, referring to the catch-all term “AI” instead) and there is no better way to make a precaution about the inaccuracy of output produced by LLMs –however realistic it might sound– than to point it out with examples with ridiculously wrong answers to simple questions.

    Edit: minor rewording to clarify

  • I have worked with “plain” PHP before (no Composer) — and HTML, CSS, JS, of course. I am by no means a professional programmer and I have little time lately (being a university student is not easy), but I hope I can still help as a volunteer in any small way. :)

    That said, MediaWiki has an enormous codebase. I’ve never been really fond of this bloated piece of software that runs Wikimedia websites… but I can understand why the choice was made.

  • If it is about covering a basic need, I don’t see why this would be wrong. Of course, there is the aspect of supporting a private enterprise vs. a public service provider but, since it is an imformed and weighted choice that comes out of a need, I see nothing fundamentally wrong with it unless you want to be dogmatic (which a communist should not be). As a person living in a country where healthcare is in a similar state, I understand that sometimes you don’t have much choice unless you want to take risks with your health. Unfortunately living in a capitalist society means that even as a marxist you sometimes have to play by the system’s playbook.

  • A lot of the points that you raise were actually brought up in discussion about the time that the stance of KKE on this topic was announced. The article you linked is, I think, the first time the decision was made public by the party gensec himself, but the text I was referring to was actually only published yesterday, so far only in Greek AFAICT. Still, if you want to have a go with a translator, this is it: [].

    The reality is, KKE is the strongest communist party in the country and I support its stance on most other topics, but on a few approaches its approach is at best questionable or at worst inadequate and conservative. It certainly feels like they care too much about their percentages in the elections (which, truth be told, are better than they have ever been), so far as to support homophobic views in an attempt to win conservative and right-wing sympathizers (very pathetic). Still, I find it hard to believe that they can implement their program by just winning the elections. The bourgeoisie won’t give up easily on their benefits, and NATO and EU will almost certainly react.

    Still I think that if any party deserves support in the elections, it is KKE, and I have hopes that things will change for the better over time, especially considering its increasing popularity among the youth.

  • So, in Greece there is a discussion on a law proposed by the centre-right government which will allow homosexual pairs to be officially married and adopt children and the Communist Party has declared that it will vote against it.

    Today they published a lengthy text explaining their controversial decision with arguments like claiming the law will abolish the proletariat’s rights to “maternity” and “paternity” in favour of having “parent 1” and “parent 2” and possibly more, according to what is apparently dictated by European law (which it claims will be detrimental to the interests of the child). It makes the (probably not totally wrong) argument that there are too few children for adoption in Greece and too many people already waiting to adopt a child, and that might lead pairs to seek children through surrogacy, thus reinforcing the commercialization of birth and exploitation of women. And then it goes on to say that it is wrong to totally disregard biological sexes and their needs, rejects the theory that gender is a social construct and makes the claim that the liberalisation of gender policy leads to estrangement of the proletariat from class struggle (!). And after all this, they still claim to be protecting the interests of people of all sexual orientations.

    I am pretty new to marxism and this position confuses the heck out of me. Is the Party position as controversial as I think it to be, or is there something that I am failing to grasp in its analysis?