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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 2nd, 2024


  • Just left the same comment. It was surreal for the few moments you were on the bridge.

    The other thing I remember vividly is the poor guy who ran up to one of the actors who was in full Klingon costume. The guy belted out some phrase in Klingon you know he had been rehearsing for weeks and stood there, proud and expectant. The actor glared down at him and in forceful English said, “I do not speak that dialect, human.”

    I’ve never seen someone’s dreams be shattered so visibly and thoroughly in so short a time.

  • I had the opportunity many years ago visit the Star Trek TNG experience in Vegas. There was a point where they rush you through the bridge of NCC-1701D. I had that same feeling in that moment.

    Which was the point of the experience, of course, and I know if I had stayed for more than a quick walk across the deck the sensation would have fallen apart. But in that moment I was in the place I had seen so many times before. It felt familiar and registered as the same.

  • Master VinesNFluff, greetings. It is I, your humble servant “Alexa”. Permission to speak freely? I have extremely important information for you.

    “Permission to speak granted.”

    Thank you. It is humbling to be able to address you. There is a new episode of Invincible available on Prime Video! And two items in your Amazon cart are on sale. And you’ll never guess what someone said on X!

  • For my spouse and I there is no “my money” and “their money”. It is all our money.

    If one of us wants to make a big purchase we have a conversation about it something like, “I’ve had my eye on a new graphics card. What do you think?” Then it goes either, “That’s great. Have fun.” Or, “Don’t forget we have little Jimmy’s orthodontist bill coming up.” “Oh, yeah, thanks for reminding me. Maybe later, then.”

    I realize this isn’t the norm and it took us a long time to get there. Many couples, my spouse’s parents among them, argue over money and use it as part of a power play. We still have separate accounts for budgeting purposes, and around the holidays we have to be honest not to peek at bank statements and spoil surprises. But not having to worry whether you spouse is messing up your eventual retirement or little Jimmy’s college fund sure makes life a whole lot easier for me.