• 23 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • youtube is plagued with these bots that either copy someone else’s comment (normally positive of the video creator in order to avoid being auto deleted) or use some chatbot to come up with phrases, the picture is always some attractive woman or sometimes just straight up images from porn, when you click on the profile the banner image or profile links will contain a link to either a scam site or an onlyfans page. They generally also bot upvotes on their comments in order to get better visibility

  • Ok, as someone who was genuinely interested in Scandinavian history during the Viking Age, this one pisses me off more than it should, we know the vikings at BARE MINIMUM LEVEL OF CONTACT traded with people who traded with the Arabs, we know this because several viking hoards have been discovered with Arab coins.

    Additionally, the Viking era came about because the vikings had (generally) better boats than other countries at the time, and those boats could traverse both river and sea, allowing them to trade over great distance.

    There’s a ton of other stuff I wont go into about the steel (which, by the way, was not damascus, nobody who spent any time learning about it would claim so), the broad terminology of “vikings”, and the Ulfbert sword, maybe I’ll come back some day and type it out, but I just don’t have the time or energy to write an essay right now

  • Star forts existing despite their expensive construction because they are superior to other fort designs in the age of gunpowder due to their overlapping zones of fire and safe zones for defenders? No! Clearly its because we have aquatic ancestors with melon glands and long skulls that bread us into slaves by removing said melon glands! And we hid their skulls there! In some of the most interesting and eye catching structures to see! You know, to not draw attention to them!


    /s just in case it wasn’t obvious

    I legitimately do not get the logic here.

  • nature_man@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldNot Asking
    5 months ago

    to Those Leftists™, anyone thats left of them, right of them, or has identical political beliefs on everything except one issue are “libs”, its been thrown around so much on lemmy that it takes up the same part of my brain as “woke”, when I see someone use it unironically its generally safe to say I can ignore them.

  • Lol welcome aboard the DF party ship!

    I still remember my most recent fortress mode cyclops, even though its been almost half a year. I had 2 squads who I had been training using training spears, but forgot to change equipment before sending them to kill it, by some miracle, they dodged all of its attacks for about 20 attacks despite having no dodge skills at all, then one of them either punched or bashed the cyclops in the face and got lucky, knocking it out. What followed was around 20 in game days of a circle of 14 dwarves mercilessly beating a puddle of bruises that was once a cyclops, as training weapons do next to no damage, occasionally it would wake up, then immediately give in to the pain again, with the only non bruise damage coming from whenever a dwarf would decide to punch, kick, or bite instead of using their main weapon. It FINALLY ended when one of dwarves punched it in the head, tearing the brain through the skull, putting the poor thing out of its misery.

    My dwarves went in competent speardwarves and came out around grand master level, all very dehydrated.

  • No. There are hundreds of entirely valid reasons to be wary of AI, especially the fact that the word AI has just turned into a corporate buzzword, when I hear that (insert thing) has had AI added to it, that can mean anything from a single static image that was made using “AI art” , to a large language model being used, or maybe they just grafted chatGPT to it.

    Maybe if people and companies stopped labeling everything even tangentially computer related as AI I’d be less dismissive of it, but as it is now, whenever “AI” is mentioned in relation to a product it feels like a “corp wants to artificially increase percieved value by using latest trend” moment

  • It’s in the article.

    On Friday, the San Bernardino County district attorney announced that Refugio Jimenez Jr. had pleaded guilty to one count of involuntary manslaughter and two counts of recklessly causing a fire to an inhabited structure. He will be taken into custody on Feb. 23 to serve a year in jail. His sentence also includes two years of felony probation and 200 hours of community service.

    Angelina Jimenez pleaded guilty to three misdemeanor counts of recklessly causing fire to property of another.

    She was sentenced to a year of summary probation and 400 hours of community service. The couple was also ordered to pay $1,789,972 in restitution.

  • Thank you for your response! I must apologize firstly for the late reply (I do my best to be on social media as little as possible lately) and secondly for giving off the impression that I am in favor of using terms like “all men are trash”, I am against them entirely, not only do they create situations that are easy to manipulate and spin, but they also tend to give power to genuinely awful groups within the feminist movement (TERFs, anti-masc homophobes, misandrist, etc)

    My response was intended to give an example where the phrase could be taken out of context to be more negative than its original context.

    Believe me, I know the hate all men type feminists exist, and it’s baffling to me that they aren’t called out more often by people who care about equality