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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Yes, it’s part of Digital Eclipse’s Gold Master Series, like Llamasoft: The Jeff Minter Story and The Making of Karateka.

    From their website:

    More than 15 playable classic games from the series’ history are featured, including many being released for the first time outside Japan. Battle your friends in the multiplayer cult favorite Tetris Battle Gaiden, create massive explosions to clear lines in Super Bombliss, and see where it all began in 1984 with an accurate recreation of the first version of Tetris on the Electronika 60 computer.

    ‍As the next release in Digital Eclipse’s acclaimed Gold Master Series, Tetris Forever includes over 90 minutes of all-new documentary footage exploring the lifelong friendship and creative partnership between Tetris creator Alexey Pajitnov and The Tetris Company founder Henk Rogers, as they share the extraordinary but true story about Tetris.

    ‍And as this celebration wouldn’t be complete without an all-new Tetris experience, prepare to enter the… Tetris Time Warp! Up to four players will “warp” between different eras of Tetris in real time to experience a variety of classic graphic styles and play mechanics!

  • Haha! Here we go… raises Hylian shield

    I’ve liked every single Zelda game I’ve played and I’m a big fan of the series. I think A Link to the Past is not particularly a masterpiece on its own (just my personal opinion, don’t get your panties in a bunch people), but definitely a necessary evolutionary step for what came later. This is most probably because I didn’t play it when it just came out. At that time, Link’s Awakening was all I knew, and I must have played a Link to the Past even after Ocarina of Time. I’m assuming it must have been more “mind blowing” at the time if all you had played was the NES and Game Boy Zeldas. But in my personal experience, I had to play a lot before it grew on me, unlike the other Zelda games I’ve played. And that’s probably a factor, I’ve played it after playing Ocarina Of Time, A Link Between Worlds, Wind Waker, Breath of the Wild, etc…

    I would rate Skyward Sword as the least enjoyable Zelda (again, personal experience and all that…), but I must say I played the HD version on Switch. The story is good, the game in general is great, but the combat with the sword is excruciatingly annoying for me on the Switch. Instead of moving the Wiimote, you use the sticks, and it’s as precise and comfortable as trying to thread a needle with one hand while riding a bike on a rocky path. If they had used standard Zelda attack like other 3D Zeldas, I would rate it much higher. But it was an annoyance I never got over, and I was relieved when I finally beat it. That would be the only Zelda I haven’t enjoyed that much, I’d rate A Link to the Past higher, I actually enjoyed it and got over the things that annoyed me. I still liked Link’s Awakening more (probably due to being my first Zelda, and lots of experiences connected to that game) and others.

    I played the demo for the new Contra and it was quite good, seems like it could be fun to play co-op. I had only played the first one on NES and maybe a little bit of one of the SNES ones. Turrican is in that same style, but maybe more exploration involved, which rewards you with 1ups and other bonuses. Did I already say the music is amazing? 😅

  • I finished The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past before last week’s thread, but I didn’t end up posting then. I think it became more fun in the end, and after getting lots of upgrades. It was worth it.

    I went through my backlog and started playing Turrican from the Anthologies on Switch. I grew up playing Super Turrican and played Mega Turrican when I was a bit older. Now I’m going through every title chronologically and it’s been super interesting to see the evolution. They’re very fun games, but the music is just incredibly good in every single one. Chris Hülsbeck is a genius! I’ve finished the first two for Amiga, and playing Turrican III now, about to finish it. I’m looking forward to playing the Director’s Cut version of Super Turrican and Super Turrican 2!

  • I’m still playing Zelda: A Link to the Past. I’m already a few dungeons in and have some of the more important items. I’m guessing I’m close to the middle of the story, it seems like it’s a matter of carrying on and finishing the dungeons I have left now. As I said last week, it’s not the best Zelda game, particularly in combat. But I am getting used to it and I’ll finish it for completion’s sake. It’s not a game I’d come back to 😅 (I do go back to Link’s Awakening every few years)

    I am also playing the new and revamped DOOM + DOOM II, since I got it for free because I had the “originals” on Switch. It’s pretty cool, I particularly liked playing with the remixed music. Might play some more of thay during the weekend.

    Finally, I’ll see if I can finish the demo for Bakeru.

  • Thank Goodness You’re Here was super fun. Really short though, I finished it on Friday, maybe it took a couple of hours? I’d still recommend it. I haven’t played Untitled Goose Game, but from what I’ve seem, it looks like they’re maybe similar, yes.

    Link to the Past… I’m going to finish it, but I see why I dropped it so many times. And this opinion won’t win me many friends, but it’s just not that good! The parallel worlds thing is pretty cool. And I understand that people who grew up with this Zelda would have it as their favorite. But it’s definitely not one of the best Zelda games for me. The combat is a bit frustrating when using the sword, enemies come from all directions but you can only attack in 4. And the shield feels completely useless. And some of the bosses feel like a chore and a test on patience more than ability.

    Two of my favorite Zeldas are Link’s Awakening and A Link Between Worlds, so it’s not an issue with 2D Zelda. But when the Game Boy version feels better than the SNES version, then the SNES version is definitely not for me…

    Hopefully it grows on me, I’ve enjoyed some of the puzzles, but the combat feels pretty clunky.

  • I started playing The Legend Of Zelda: A Link to the Past on Nintendo Online. It’s one of the Zeldas I have started several times and never finished. This time I intend to finish it before Echoes of Wisdom comes out! Some stuff I remember from previous unfiinshed playthroughs, others are just “Oh, this is Zelda, so I bet if I do this…” and it works. Feels very familiar 2D Zelda, hope I definitely reach the ending this time!

    I got Thank Goodness You’re Here today, which I think is supposed to be just a few hours long. So far it’s a silly, funny game and the graphics are amazing. It’s like playing a cartoon, really fun so far, would recommend (and it’s currently discounted 15% on the eshop).

  • I’d recommend starting with River City: Rival Showdown. It came out originally on 3DS and remastered for the Switch. I haven’t played it on the Switch, but it’s probably the closest to the original, but being new-ish. In case you want to try it out, the original River City Ransom is on Nintendo Online NES (and can also be bought on the eshop 🙈) and if I recall correctly it can be finished in a couple of hours.

    River City Girls is in the same universe and has some of the same RPG elements of the original, but is kind of its own thing. It’s definitely more modern, still fun. I still need to finish the second one, maybe this DLC motivates me to play it again next!

    Finally, there’s River City Saga: Three Kingdoms which is also in the style of the original, but made for modern consoles, in case you love Rival Showdown and want to check out more River City.