I love linux.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: August 6th, 2024


  • It would just slowly accumulate it over time, little bit here, little bit there until it has a fleet of stuff to serve you in a queue, so while you’re making more and more bits for more videos, it’s serving you videos while you make bits of new videos and sharing them over websockets that JS CDNS force-feed our browsers to centralized servers to offload similar users with similar ad-tastes to also help compile.

    Some shit like that. Adtech is cyber terrorism. Never forget.

  • Honestly not sure why anybody gives two fucks about celebrities anyways, some are okay but the underground scene has the realist people, because they live in the real world. Seeing through the illusions that what people think or believe in regards to some highly regarded opinions because somebody is popular due to ‘pop culture’ is a blessing. I say let Elon Musk have them. I’m not going to read it. Only twitter I read is the twitter cross-post spam of screenshots people post.

    Zuckerberg telling us all what we already knew about being pressured to censor COVID, Hunter Biden, and whatever other posts goes to show left is evil, right is swinging around monkey bars like school children. Social media is a giant playground where everybody’s being swayed by their emotions and being tricked and lead around likes horses.

    It’s crazy.

    At least Elon’s having fun with it all.

  • Honestly, I’m so sick of Microsoft’s bullshit, I just want to spread to love of Linux desktop. They’re more than free to downvote me in to oblivion. I’m pro-freedom over the software, open source software, and freedom to use the hardware we want to use. Plus I really love Manjaro and XFCE. KDE’s a good experience, but Windows 11 has advertisements in its start menu, and I’m not entirely sure what that ‘screenshot your desktop to feed an AI’ stuff was about but I’m not really down with that.

    So, don’t thank me, but I would hope more people enjoy the different flavors of Linux desktop or give them a chance. The only way to not have Microsoft jam its software/cloud services/Teams down your throat is to get the HIPAA related Windows 11 OS which they make it a pain in the butt to grab.