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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 14th, 2024

  • By default, sharing a sudo password between PTY sessions is not allowed by your operating system. This can be a frustration when using Waveterm because every command is treated as a separate PTY session. To get around this, Waveterm will cache your sudo password in local memory (not written to disk) and share it with a session when provided.

    Holy crap, no thanks. That’s legit awful.

  • Sounds a lot like they’re hoping it’s a phase and will “work itself out”.

    My oldest is NB, they’re 15. I like to think we’re about as open-minded as it gets, but I still had the thought that it might be something brought about by seeing people they look up to being a certain way and not from internal, intrinsic reasons.

    I hope your daughter’s friend ends up ok. If nothing else then knowing there are people out there that think of him might help with feeling isolated and misunderstood.