When checking the weather for different locations in org-babel, I encountered an issue where the symbol for partly cloudy was not displayed correctly. Here is the code I used:
#+BEGIN_SRC shell :results output
curl 'wttr.in/{Paris,SanJose,Washington}?format=4'
: Paris: 🌧 🌡️+10°C 🌬️↗9km/h
: SanJose: ☀️ 🌡️+16°C 🌬️↘15km/h
: Washington: ⛅️ 🌡️+12°C 🌬️↓4km/h
The symbol of partly-cloudy in washington was not rendered:
I’m currently using Emacs 29.1 on Windows 10, and have set the symbol fonts as "“Segoe UI Emoji” which does have symbol of partly-cloudy.
(set-fontset-font t 'symbol "Segoe UI Emoji" nil 'prepend)
I alterntively tried “Symbola” font but the issue repeats. How could solve the problem?
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And this morning Nov9, the results started coming back in Celsius :( unexpected.
The issue was resolved by substituting UTF-8 with UTF-16:
(set-default-coding-systems 'utf-16)