Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, te qui prima oportere sapientem. Te per quis graeco, eu odio sanctus gloriatur sea. Et amet eros recusabo ius, sed ex invidunt deseruisse. Equidem lucilius eu his, eu mel tollit propriae sensibus. Mel saepe labitur electram ut. Dolores suscipit ad ius. Eum ne natum mundi albucius.

  • jet@hackertalks.com
    1 year ago

    Though there is a danger to being too persuasive, once people know you and they know there is a perspective disparity between you. They might just turn off their brains when they talk to you. I find it very annoying when those around me just rely on me to make decisions for them rather than trying to make decisions for themselves.

    People are lazy, it’s a heuristic we all use, so if you’re the expert in computers or thinking or politics or whatever, and people trust you, they’ll just go to you for advice and stop trying to think through things on their own. So there’s a balance to be struck here