Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, te qui prima oportere sapientem. Te per quis graeco, eu odio sanctus gloriatur sea. Et amet eros recusabo ius, sed ex invidunt deseruisse. Equidem lucilius eu his, eu mel tollit propriae sensibus. Mel saepe labitur electram ut. Dolores suscipit ad ius. Eum ne natum mundi albucius.

  • partial_accumen@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    People who are in the higher end of the IQ spectre, how do you cope with people not understanding

    This likely has nothing to do with IQ or intelligence. People of all levels of intelligence experience this. This sound much more like an opportunity to recognize your own challenges with communication and of understanding your audience.

    your thought process,

    I like my thought processes. Its a method that works for me to understand the universe, my relationship with it, and how I interact with it and those I share the universe with. Unless someone is specifically asking about trying replicate my thought process, I understand that no one else gives a crap about my thought process itself. Too often when I was younger, I would force my audience to listen to how I arrived at an answer when they really only cared about my answer. Are you volunteering an explanation of your thought process when your audience has indicate no such desire for it? Don’t do that. However, if they ask for your answer, THEN ask about how you arrived at that, then thats in invitation to explain your thought process. They’ve given you permission and consent to take the conversation there. Don’t force that on people unless they want it.


    Know (or learn) your audience. Did they come to you asking for your ideas? Or are you trying to force your ideas (and your understanding) on them? Are you speaking to them in a frame of reference they recognize and understand or are you using jargon and language that only you or someone knowledgeable in the specific subject matter will understand? Is your goal to actually get them to understand what you’re trying to communicate or just impress upon them that you understand it? There’s a series of Youtube videos that explain high level concepts (science to music) on a number of different levels. Here’s one on CRISPR gene editing. No where in these does the expert belittle or denigrate their audience. They also don’t expect too much of them. They measure where their audience’s interest and understanding of a topic is and speak to that level with terms and concepts their audience is already familiar with so their audience can come away with this new knowledge and a connection to what they started with.

    or just your way of life?

    It sounds like you’ve just switched topics. You’re not talking about “understanding” now, it sounds like you’ve switched to “acceptance”.

    As an example. Someone might say “How do I get my Uncle to understand I’m gay?”, but I seriously doubt the narrator there is asking how to explain same sex attraction or intercourse. What the narrator is asking is “How do I get my Uncle to accept that I’m gay?”. That is a very very different question, with a different answer.

    So for the question of “How do I get someone to accept my way of life?”, the answer is, you mostly can’t. You have the choice how much you share about your life with your audience, and measure for feedback whether it is positively or negatively received on their part. If you perceive enough negative, its likely better to simply not share those aspects of your life with that person. Whereas if you are getting interest and acceptance from your audience, give them another layer deeper of your life you’re willing to share.