Hi all, just getting into home labbing the past few months. I have a small cluster of Proxmox machines running many of the usual services.

Currently running a 350x10 Spectrum cable internet connection. This is working just fine and has been shockingly stable for five years. It also keeps a very sticky public IPv4 address that has been perfect for self hosting and a cloudflare tunnel. It’s a modem only that goes into an OPNsense VM.

Upload is obviously a bottleneck that has become frustrating. AT&T Fiber came through the neighborhood a few months ago and are offering a 300x300 FTTH with no installation, fees, caps, contracts etc for less than the Spectrum connection. I’d love to jump on it but have read in a few places that they sometimes use CGNAT, the gateways don’t behave well in passthrough mode, mess with traffic, block ports, etc.

I guess the question is then, what are people’s experience with ATT fiber and homelabbing? Is there anyone who won’t lie about it that I could call before install? In SC if it matters. Thanks!

  • ZVeguillaCotto@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    I would jump at the better speed for less money.

    Depending on what you need the IP for, you can bypass CGNAT with DDNS and other methods reliably and easily.

    Not enough for a mid-level office/enterprise, but sufficient for everything below. Barring extreme homelabers.