I’m a techie, but I’ve not followed or researched network gear for years.
I live in a solid brick house. All interior walls are brick. It really kills the wifi.
ADSL2+ (80/20) -> WRT1900ACS -> cable -> Front Room -> Switch -> Media devices + PowerLine Adaptor -> Backroom -> PlayStation 4
The WRT1900ACS is cabled upstairs to a second WRT1900AC. This device is set up with the same AP name and passwords.
The WRT1900AC->Switch->lots of devices in home office/games room -> NetGear PowerLine Adaptor -> 2 x Kids Rooms -> Switches -> XBox
A picture can be seen here: https://imgur.com/a/CiFakyM
There’s quite a lot of stuff on this network!
This worked great for a number of years, but over the last few months it’s started playing up. The WRT1900AC has lost it’s battery backup and I’m getting wifi drop outs. I think it’s time to replace the whole setup.
I was wondering - what are people’s thoughts on a similar setup, using Netgear RAX200’s replacing the WRTs, leaving the PowerLines in place, but replacing the switches at the end of the PowerLines with EAX80s… I don’t think I can go the whole Orbi route.
The other option is start to slowly replace this with Ubiquiti gear, but I’ve got no idea which models…
theres this thing called ethernet. also access points. start there.