My goal is to attach an LED strip to the back of my office monitors and turn them on while I’m on a call, off when I’m available with a wireless on/off button. Looking to do this off wifi and without a smart home hub as it will be in the office & don’t want to cause IT a headache.

I know LED strips often come with a cheap little remote, but I worry it won’t be responsive enough - is there any way to set up a smart button style device to achieve this? Any product suggestions for LED strips / buttons? Thank you!

  • Typical-Ad-6730@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    The cheap little remotes work fine and are responsive. One thing to note is they are susceptible to picking up other IR signals. For instance if I point a random remote at my led strip, it will change color, flash etc.

    There are traffic lights that integrate with Skype and Teams for this purpose. I had this when I worked in a glass office, and people would stand outside my door and motion at me when I was on a call, or walk in and start talking.