My house has a detached garage and the new garage door opener can be opened remotely with WiFi access. Unfortunately, it seems like the opener has a terrible antenna, so even though our phones can get signal much further than the garage, the opener’s connection is intermittent.

I’m running an Eero 6+ with a wired backend setup in the house and have a spare Eero 6 Extender that I’m not currently using. I’ve thought about throwing that out there to see if it would help, but I’m in the American Midwest so we get sub-zero winters and 100+ degree summers. The garage is uninsulated, so I’m concerned the temperature would wreck the extender.

I get that I could dig a trench and run a wired solution, but that’s more effort than I’m really wanting to put into fixing one crappy device.

Anyone have any suggestions or experience with a similar issue? Would the extender survive cold winters and hot summers?

  • SentientSquirrel@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    If the extender is just gathering dust anyway, I would just try it. It’s not rated for freezing or very hot weather, but I don’t think neither the cold or hot weather will really damage it as long as it is inside the garage, protected from rain etc. No guarantees though.

    Or pick up the cheapest wifi repeater you can find and use that.