My house has a detached garage and the new garage door opener can be opened remotely with WiFi access. Unfortunately, it seems like the opener has a terrible antenna, so even though our phones can get signal much further than the garage, the opener’s connection is intermittent.

I’m running an Eero 6+ with a wired backend setup in the house and have a spare Eero 6 Extender that I’m not currently using. I’ve thought about throwing that out there to see if it would help, but I’m in the American Midwest so we get sub-zero winters and 100+ degree summers. The garage is uninsulated, so I’m concerned the temperature would wreck the extender.

I get that I could dig a trench and run a wired solution, but that’s more effort than I’m really wanting to put into fixing one crappy device.

Anyone have any suggestions or experience with a similar issue? Would the extender survive cold winters and hot summers?

  • DizzyAd9643@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    I have had TR-Link Deco Wi-Fi Mesh nodes in my detached, un-heated, garage for many years, with no problems.

    I live in N/W Ohio where it occasionally gets down to 0˚F for days on end and in the Summer it can get well over 100˚F.

    The Eero 6 has Operating temperature range of; 0˚C- 40˚C / 32˚F - 104˚F. That is the exact same specs as my TP-Link Deco XE75Pro. You should have no problems.

    Here’s hoping that the distance and construction allows a good signal and connection to the nearest Eero node.