Previous prototype round leaned towards TLS-only solution and the direction has been fruitful. It offers a possibility to simplify Mles v2 further.

It has been possible to connect to Mles server via WebSocket proxy. This is handy as e.g. JavaScript web browsers support this out-of-the-box. There is also nice Rust tooling around that via e.g. websocat which supports secure WebSockets (WSS). As can be imagined, also JSON is supported by JavaScript and other tools well.

With a JSON structure as a connect initiator over WSS, we can simplify Mles v2 protocol to work over WSS-only. The SipHashing defined earlier for Mles v2 can be moved to be an internal operation which guarantees the same duplicate user identification and peering as before. Connections will be guaranteed to be secure as WSS to public 443 port guarantees proper certificate checks.

The above has been prototyped already and works splendidly well. The coming weeks are used to finalize the implementation to production quality. Earlier Mles v1 will be deprecated as of now. IANA port 8077 reservation can also be dropped in the future.

In practice, the Mles web-proxy and server will be merged to be a server binary. The client and library implementations are not needed anymore. A simplified client with websocat command line will be provided as an example. This all helps in maintenance of v2 for the next decade. Peering-feature will be postponed from first release.

As an attempt to break away from big company ecosystems, the MlesTalk application will be targeted to be published later as a new MlesTalk FOSS with strong E2EE support based on the Zpinc protocol implementation.

Further updates and guidance how to help will be provided in later updates here.

Thus, big changes are coming, any comments or questions so far?