Hi all. This looks like the right place to ask but sorry if it’s not! I’m looking to expand my storage for my Plex library. I’ve always just used single external hard drives but want to start expanding my 4K library so have decided to go for a hard drive enclosure. From what I’m reading I think I should be going for a 4 bay enclosure with USB 3.2 and 10Gbps transfer speeds. Not much is coming up for me, the closest I’ve really found to what I want is the following: https://www.amazon.co.uk/TERRAMASTER-D6-320-External-Drive-Enclosure/dp/B0BZC3HCNC/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?crid=3DT8IXL1YR24L&keywords=4+bay+hard+drive+enclosure+usb+3.2&qid=1700248853&sprefix=4+bay+hard+drive+enclosure+usb+3.2%2Caps%2C164&sr=8-5&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.23648568-4ba5-49f2-9aa6-31ae75f1e9cd
It’s a little bit pricey and was hoping I could maybe find a 4 bay for cheaper but not much us coming up. Would anybody here be able to recommend a 4 bay enclosure with USB 3.2? Is the one I’ve linked actually a good deal? I’m in Ireland so preferably from a European store! Thanks.
I don’t know how easy they will be to come by for you, but Orico has a decent 4 bay enclosure in USB-C, I got one a few weeks ago and am using it with OpenMediaVault on a 1L PC. If I need more drive bays, I can grab another and chain them because they include a USB hub. Yottamaster has a similar model, but they offer a firmware update on their site to turn off the automatic sleep function. It’s at least a couple of model numbers to look around for. They do pass unique drive information through to the host, which I understand can be an issue for some enclosures.