Important, the „level“ off the player isn‘t relevant. If a role Player played like a god in a Game he qualifies here.
We also talk about 1 game.
Basically we are looking for the greatest 10/10 Performance off all time.
Can be a Goalkeeper that made 26 Saves, can be a midfielder that made 100% off his passes and 4 assists etc, you get it.
This Question can also be labeled to „most dominant Performance in Football off all time.“
What is you‘re call?
Henry vs Inter. I could pick a lot of Henry games, at times he seemed unstoppable, as if everyone else on the pitch was playing three quarter speed.
In this game, which Arsenal had to win after getting 1 point from 3 Champions League games, he made Materazzi and Zanetti, no mugs, look like they were running in water while Henry was running on it.