I’m assuming most people here have had a dreams of playing in cup final scoring the winner and such
So how far did you get to reaching such dreams
Did you reach academy levels l or high
I thought of this question because I’ve one of dad’s "oh I could played pro if it wasn’t for my shit knees
I played at Milan Junior Academy in Venezuela and then got signed for Metropolitanos when they were in the second division. I was selected for a few games as a reserve in the pro team but never made my professional debut. A few weeks later I resigned from my contract as I got a scholarship to play football in the US. So I played 3 years of varsity and red-shirted one. Then I played in a Federados team in Spain but I was too fucked up from injuries to enjoy competitive football again. Now I just play for fun in some pickup games and its very liberating. Back to the origins of just having fun playing the game I love. I always say that I was never close to even being the best, but I always had the most fun"
I was good, but early in my life I found people that were so talented and could not make it, so it quickly humbled me and I just decided to give it my best and try to play my best football and see where it got me. That was enough as I have no regrets knowing I gave it my best.