PSV is de eerste topclub waar een meisje meetraint met de jongens. De 9-jarige Liz Mathijssen volgt een maatwerktraject bij PSV Academy, waar ze zich kan ontwikkelen onder de hoogst mogelijke weerstand. Een grote mijlpaal voor het vrouwenvoetbal binnen en buiten de club.
Something else the book argues is that opportunities were very important, and you can also think that it was the opportunities given to those who had more physical development at the earliest stage increased their likelihood to make it.
Absolutely, I even reference this.
This is sort of like her getting selected for the special team outside the odds.
Absolutely, I even reference this.
Yep. She’s the Outlier - geddit!?
They’re looking for outliers and outliers only. Average players in an academy get thrown in the bin. Just look at what TAA said