PSV is de eerste topclub waar een meisje meetraint met de jongens. De 9-jarige Liz Mathijssen volgt een maatwerktraject bij PSV Academy, waar ze zich kan ontwikkelen onder de hoogst mogelijke weerstand. Een grote mijlpaal voor het vrouwenvoetbal binnen en buiten de club.
I don’t think there’s anything inherently bad about talented kids playing with bigger/more physical kids. That’s the intensity what they wanted to give her vs. training with girls her age.
I played hockey with a couple of girls when I was 13-14. They enjoyed the hitting and could take care of themselves on the ice. (No one tried to fight them, of course.)
I don’t think there’s anything inherently bad about talented kids playing with bigger/more physical kids. That’s the intensity what they wanted to give her vs. training with girls her age.
I played hockey with a couple of girls when I was 13-14. They enjoyed the hitting and could take care of themselves on the ice. (No one tried to fight them, of course.)