I don’t know which to get. I currently have a i5-9600k, but it’s ready for an upgrade. And there are a couple of deals.
I7 13700: 389 euro I7 14700KF: 429 euro I7 14700K: 469 euro(419 euro deal is unfortunately sold out)
I’m leaning towards the KF, but don’t know if it’s worth it. Hope to get some advice! Thanks.
For troubleshooting purpose don’t take a F serie.
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How confident are you your video card is going to work out of the box, and stay working? In my case (Linux/Nvidia) the answer is “not very”.
(40 euro seems like a lot to pay for onboard video, but even if you only need it once…)
Could you explain?
if your gpu will die you can find out if its dead by plugging cable to your motherboard
What they’re trying to say is that one of these chips didn’t have a graphics chip integrated into CPU
I don’t think it’s worth it but it’s usually only $25 extra for the igpu. If I thought I had issues with my gpu, I would plugin another gpu.
what if you wouldnt have another GPU laying around?