A screenshot, taken way before rexxit, of two comments on reddit, dated “1 year ago”.
The first comment is by a deleted user and the comment has been removed. The second comment is a reply to the deleted comment and it says: “That solved it. Thanks!”
Edit: added temporal context.
This is why maintaining your account there and keep deleting your comments/posts will destroy Reddit. Do it, you have the power.
yes but at the same time – isn’t this worse for us, the users, as a whole losing bits of information like this? the fucks up top do not give a shit about any of this
I destroyed thirteen years of comment and post history. Is there any reason I should further maintain my account? I’m asking because if there’s something more I can do to screw with their site via my account, I’m all ears.
Make sure your posts are deleted, and sell it to an advertiser. Just look up where to sell. A 13 Year old account will make you a good bit of money, and it will in all likelihood be used to spam the site with an ad campaign.
Man on one hand that would feel cathartic as fuck, and who would mind a bit of extra money, but I don’t think I can bring myself to do that.
I still feel a bit ambivalent about deleting comments in general, like yes it hurts the company, but it also hurts innocent users just looking for answers.
weird to say but once i found a answer for a problem in reddit that wasn’t solved/asked even in stack overflow.
Once? Happened all the time for me