The long read: The EU likes to celebrate itself as a place where borders are soft and ‘regionalism’ creates diversity and openness. But just as much as any powerful nation, Europe defines itself against the rest of the world

An interesting, if long, article about European identity. I don’t agree with all of it, or in fact a lot of it, but I found it an interesting read and it’s always useful to read thought provoking points of view you disagree with from time to time. Also, I’m interested in hearing your views on the article!

    1 year ago

    What could this mean? I’m not sure I get it

    At the same time, however, European identity is externally exclusive – that is, it excludes those who are not European or cannot think of themselves as being European.

    I moved to EU to live from non EU, I could think of myself as European, or I could not (depends), but does that mean I cannot be European? Why not?

    If I cannot think of myself European, how could I identify as being one. It’s how you identify…

    “Who are you?.. identify yourself at once!” - now how I answer this I could make me either Euro or not.

    IMHO a bit of salt from UK way…