What I saw was an initial flurry of invites - usually special or large/giant. Then those kinds of mushrooms became more scarce and now invites are… 2 per day, at best. Some days I get no invites and see nothing worth inviting others to.

How have things been for you or y’all?

IGN: Clyde Barrow

  • colorsoloud@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Meh, not seeing a lot of invites right now and not a lot of interesting mushrooms locally. I think it’s more active during events though- this one, with the out of season flowers, there’s no real incentive to get on mushrooms that don’t have relevant nectar. I do see more activity and use my own horn more often for events though, especially when there are special mushrooms. I appreciate the elemental invites that you’ve occasionally sent to me!

    Enjoying a bit of downtime this week, hoping to get some winter Pikmin in the coming weeks so I can finally complete that infernal grey roadside icon. IGN dognewtricks

    • APassenger@lemmy.worldOPM
      11 months ago

      Yeah, I try to only send invites for mushrooms that can or will pay out special nectar. They’ve been less abundant. I’ve noticed with myself and local players that mushrooms turn less often now. We all seem to be chasing specials, especially since they’re often a guaranteed 4 star.

      I’d completely missed that we may be able to complete the roadside. That would be amazing and could even put completion into view… Ooooooo… I hope this works out.

      Appreciate the invites you’ve sent my way. Always appreciated.