💗Mei thread! :3 did you get anything nice today? I had soda and played Gameboy! Links Awakening DX puts me in my happy bubble!
💗Mei thread! :3 did you get anything nice today? I had soda and played Gameboy! Links Awakening DX puts me in my happy bubble!
That’s very based of you, we actually still have the little Tiger Tails game from McDonalds when they did their Sonic promotion and Pokemon BK stuff was the raddest shit
Yesss omg I loved the Pokemon “Cards” from Burger King. Are you talking about the Sonic handheld LCD games? Someone made an emulator of them here! https://github.com/Difegue/LCDonald
Didn’t know about this, awesome :3 we could get our physical one to work too if I knew how to change the battery