From the Article:

Kenneth Chesebro, the attorney who has been called an architect of a plot to subvert the 2020 election, is reportedly cooperating with a Wisconsin state investigation into the matter.

The Wisconsin Department of Justice would not confirm the report, which was published Friday by CNN, nor the existence of an investigation.

Phone calls and emails to numbers associated with Chesebro and his attorney went unanswered on Friday.

The news comes days after a civil lawsuit against 10 Wisconsin false electors was settled.

Chesebro helped design a scheme that would have replaced electors for President Joe Biden in certain swing states with electors for former President Donald Trump.

Chesebro has since pleaded guilty to felony conspiracy charges related to election interference in Georgia. His lawyer in that case contested claims that Chesebro served as the plan’s architect, saying his client took a plea deal that would not have been offered to someone conspiring to undermine American democracy.

The Wisconsin DOJ has repeatedly declined to confirm or deny the existence of a criminal investigation into the state’s false electors, who met in December 2020 on the same day that legitimate electors gathered at the state Capitol to cast their ballots for Biden. The false electors signed an official-looking document recording the votes, which they later sent to the president of the U.S. Senate and the National Archives.

In a civil settlement, those false electors stated the document was used “as part of an attempt to improperly overturn the 2020 presidential election results.”

They have previously said they signed the document to maintain all legal avenues as challenges to Wisconsin’s electoral outcomes made their way through the courts — a legal strategy designed by Chesebro in memos he shared with Jim Troupis, Trump’s lead Wisconsin attorney.

Chesebro allegedly brought that strategy to other battleground states, including Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, New Mexico, Nevada and Pennsylvania. Several of those states have launched their own investigations, with criminal charges brought against false electors in Michigan and Nevada. Chesebro is reportedly cooperating in those states and in Arizona.

The Wisconsin civil suit against Chesebro and Troupis is ongoing.