Context for the unaware, Deepin Linux is a popular (from what I can tell) Chinese distro, and it’s often given significantly more scrutiny and negative attention than other non-Chinese distros, for exactly the reasons you’d expect

Good ol’ reddit logo Linux community once again (though god, I swear the Lemmy ones outside of here are even worse lol)

At least there’s some upvoted comments pointing out the absurdity and racism, but there’s also plenty of upvoted ones with the typical “those durned Chinese committed the highest of crimes by reposting an image on Twitter!! They’re all dirty thieves!!” and assuming that Deepin (a unique Linux distro with their own entire original desktop environment) must be some cheap knock-off without having even seen it

    10 months ago

    I know it’s reddit so of course it’s gonna be racist but I feel like the last few weeks have been especially bad on r/linux. I swear in that time span I’ve seen like 4 posts that basically amounted to “Distro from China… DAE China bad???”

    You’d think people who were interested in open source would be more open minded but instead it’s just a bunch of libertarian STEMlords. Also I guarantee if any other distro’s twitter account like Fedora or Debian reposted that image none of these losers would bat an eye