• ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    “Everyone must have the freedom to pray quietly in a public place,” she said.

    “Everyone must have the freedom to give and to receive information. I, and my group of volunteers, would never dream of doing something that causes intimidation and harassment and I find it extremely concerning that unfounded accusations of such reprehensible behaviour have been used for ideological gains to discredit genuine humanitarian endeavours.”

    Oh look, it’s a miracle! Anti-abortion protesters protesting quietly! LOL

    Maybe it’s just me, but I feel pretty certain that “quiet” is her code for getting up in a woman’s personal space, grouping around and physically hounding her from car to clinic door, waving bibles and loudly praying at the lady the whole way in as though they think Jesus himself is standing over them with a baseball bat ready to drop down if they don’t, and then repeating the performance on her way back out.

    Bitch, if you’d been even a FRACTION as quiet as you’d like everyone to believe, no one would have sought a 150-meter exclusion zone around the clinic to begin with, nor would it have been granted under an act that has “Anti-Social Behaviour” in its name. “Humanitarian endeavour,” lol.

    If these freaks were to give as much attention to themselves and their own actions and deeds as they do to the entrance spaces of abortion clinics, it would be a better world. Instead, they settle for performative religion and temper tantrums and every possible shitty behavior toward others they can think of – in the name of Jesus. (Glory.)