
by TheUltimator5

TA - GME running on an ALGO puts the next large run in EARLY AUGUST

~ ~ ~Complete Algorithm ( ~ ~

The reason I’m posting this for everyone to see, is that I’m fed up with the lies and the narratives that are being pushed on us. Every move is known very much in advance. This is why we get hit pieces, we get FUD and MSM spreading lies everywhere they can.

They are confident in their things they do because it is one algorithm that is making it easy.But they keep doing the same things over and over again which is making them vulnerable and predictable.

I don’t know exactly what they are doing, but when they come to the end of the algorithm, its the days where we experience that massive volume. I would guess, that its the day they balance their books of crime. Remember Madoff having all these fake trading computers.

So I start with June 2021 when GME shot to 300$ and that’s where it started. The swaps started there and from then on it was always C69. Double tops ended the runs, double bottoms ended the dumps.Then comes a part where 90 Calendar days are drawn out to reset the algorithm.

Reset /#1 January 7th 2022

This reset was with a high volume and a violent price swing in afterhours. +44$ Afterhours (Presplit)From then one C69 was regular.

- Timespan from one Reset to other -297 Days = 9 months & 24 daysIf we count only work days that’s: 204 Business days for that algo to reset

Reset /#2 October 31st 2022

Its when S3 Capital came on Yahoo to say how we should expect something parabolic past 30$.We went from 25$ to 35$ (post split). That’s 10$ and equals 40$ presplit, which is correlating to the last reset in terms of price action.

- Timespan from Reset to other -142 Days = 4 months & 22 daysBusiness days: 96 days

So roughly double of the time reduced until March Reset. (Could be due to DRS)

Reset /#3 March 22nd 2023

It is where they used the excuse of “beating EPS” / “surprise earnings”.We went up from 17$ to 27$. Which is AGAIN 10$ and meets the same price action and movement.

Finding the next +10$ run

If we assume it is again 142 days, that would land us to /*/August 11th 2023.//*So do we expect some news? Because earnings it isn’t.Or August 8th 2023 based on 96 Business days.

So its basically crime what they are doing and they are suppressing the real price action. If its that predictable then this has nothing to do with free market.

October 13th Friday

I mark this day when I think the whole algorithm will end and cause a massive price action upward.

Understanding the picture above

Each box that is colored with my beautiful crayons shows you the exact algorithm. They are always in the same order once the algorithm has been restarted. And I think that because its programmed like that, they can either try to restart it again, disturb the market like on June 5th and call it a “glitch”.

The blue box is the algo part from where it was reset. If you look down there you can see these two algos Oct 22 and Jan 22. It shouldve made after March 2023 the same parabola form (round form) and go downward. This is where Pulte DRSed shortly after and confused the algorithm picking its route to the upside. And that is the time where they halted the market and no trade were seen for 5 minutes.This is where they reseted the algorithm by force. It prevents them from getting destroyed.

The yellow box is when the algorithm begins again.The Purple box is the bottom to bottom rounding part.The Green box is where it has no big price action but it is steadily rising.The Orange box is showing stronger price upwards.The White box is where we see a significant drop in price.The Red box is where we see bottom and flat trading until the algo resets at the end of it.

Now that you have the boxes and the algorithm. You can laugh at the medias face and expose their lies and narratives.

-Submitted this for a friend who is lacking karma, but has his nuts and bolts tightened when it comes to technical analysis. Read more