Details are still scant, but…
“I mean, he had a lot of ammunition in that house, and certainly … all of us were strapped, you know, with ammunition, and we were calling for additional ammunition,” Kraus said. “Like I said, we tried to give him every opportunity to come out.”
…I’ll go way out on a limb and suggest that this could’ve been handled better.
You sound no different than boomers telling younger people to stop buying lattes and avocado toast to fix our financial burdens.
(Under handed comments add nothing to the conversation, you just sound like an asshole)
Edit: I thought this guy couldn’t afford rent and was another victim of the housing crisis, rather then just refusing to pay it (something about being a sovereign citizen). My bad.
Dude, if you’re budget is so tight that you can barely afford to pay your rent then choose your priorities. For that guy it was guns > rent? He deserves zero pity if he gets thrown out on the street. Heck, gun nuts are all about individual responsibilities? Well that’s what individual responsibilities looks like and it looks like he just couldn’t accept it so he felt the need to shoot at the people coming to evict him.
Guarantee you that him just liquidating the guns and ammo would’ve been enough money for a new apartment or to pay his rent.
Dude didn’t want to pay and wanted to fight the gov because he was a SovCit.
Source: further nested news links if you chase the articles back.
Ah. Fair enough this guy sounds like an asshole.