The Texas Nationalist Movement’s mission is to secure and protect the political, cultural, and economic independence of the nation of Texas. It’s time to TEXIT.

    1 year ago

    You ARE advocating treason. Why do you hate America?

    Putting secession on the ballot is part of the Republican Party of Texas’s official platform.

    Then why is it not on the ballot? Radical Republicans have controlled the corrupt state government for the last 30+ years. Also you are saying that the state Republican Party officially endorses anti-American treason? Even if a majority of Texans instead of a tiny minority of neofascists supported secession, it is unconstitutional according to settled law. It would be like putting the reinstitution of slavery on the ballot. That would never be allowed. Too bad for you that my country has the most powerful army in the world and us loyal Americans would swat you America hating traitors like a bug.