Vigils took place across the nation for an Oklahoma teenager who died the day after a fight in a high school bathroom in which the nonbinary student said they were a target of bullying.

Nex Benedict, a 16-year-old who identified as nonbinary and used they/them pronouns, got into an altercation with three girls in an Owasso High School bathroom who were picking on Benedict and some friends. The girls attacked Benedict for pouring water on them, the teen told police in a video released Friday.

Benedict’s mother called emergency responders to the family home the day after the fight, saying Benedict’s breathing was shallow, their eyes were rolling back and their hands were curled, according to audio released by Owasso police.

  • Flying
    8 months ago

    And don’t twist this around to saying Christians are OK with slavery.

    Jesus was okay with slavery.

    So if Christians are against it, they are not against it for the reasons what they consider to be the source of all morality taught.

    These were structural issues that again Jesus did not come to fix.

    Again, Jesus preached against divorce, but not slavery or rape.

    “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. 9 I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.” From Matthew 19.

    So apparently he did come to fix the structural issues of divorce and “sexual immorality.” Just not the structural issue of slavery or rape.

    By the way, the idea of sexual immorality? Also right-wing and conservative. And came right out of Jesus’ own mouth.

      8 months ago

      Jesus was most definitely not ok with slavery the way you’re portraying it. There’s nuance in history you’re completely ignoring.

      Divorce is an issue of the heart. And Jesus taught that man and women that come together should not split. It’s not farfetched to believe it good when people who come together stay together. Earlier in Matthew 5 he speaks of gouging out your eye that makes you sin, or your hand. Not because he expects you to commit amputation on yourself, but to clarify the severity of sinful decisions that he took upon himself.

      And yeah, sexual immorality. 2000 years ago and today we still have views of sexual immorality. You don’t think cheating is moral do you?

      Anyways. This can go back and forth for a while. I don’t like arguing on the internet. Especially outside of healthy discussions.

      • Flying
        8 months ago

        Jesus was most definitely not ok with slavery

        He sure seemed to be.

        the way you’re portraying it.

        Ah, he was okay with the good kind of slavery. Gotcha.

        You don’t think cheating is moral do you?

        I don’t think it’s anyone’s business. But religion makes it their business. Because, again, it is conservative and right-wing.