I have a large library of steam games, but yet always come back to Garry mod and ravensfield. I keep coming back for the modded content and every other game is excellent, don’t get me wrong. But a lot of big games like RD2 and watchdogs 2 just seem like such a long time investment. What 2 games do you infinitely come back to?

  • VerseAndVermin@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    I could be wrong, I haven’t modded yet, but I think official support is in the future. That’s when I suspect it will really shine.

    • itsnicodegallo@lemm.ee
      8 months ago

      I just looked it up, and the first thing that came up was a ton of articles about a series of tweets Larian put out today explaining that they’re working on official mod support, but that they’d like to ask people to stop being toxic assholes and threatening their devs.

      So I guess they don’t have official mod support, but the mods that are and have been out for months are amazing. I highly recommend Native Camera Tweaks, WASD Movement, 5e Spells, and Hexblade Warlock (gish class that makes your spellcasting modifier and melee stat both Charisma so you’re SAD instead of MAD on both Str/Dex and Int/Cha). There’s also a bunch of other QoL mods that are worth getting too.