I’ve just about convinced myself that I need a voron trident to replace my current cheap bedslinger. Since I can’t live with the small print area of the 0.2, that one is out of the picture although I was thinking of that first. I like the DIY and open aspect of them, but many of the kits I can get locally seem grossly overpriced at around 1700 euros for a trident or 2.4 kit that I have to do all the work on myself.

Is there actually any significant saving by sourcing all parts yourself instead of buying the kits? Anyone here have experience buying all the individual parts? Brands to go for or avoid?

  • IMALlama@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Honestly, start another thread here and ask for mods for a fresh build. This community is fairly quiet, but there are a number of lurkers that come out of the woodwork for posts.

    You’ll hear a lot of posts saying “keep it stock”, but the things I listed above don’t really make much change over the stock layout.

    The sex bolt is really useful due to the design of the stock end stop - it’s just a section of steel rod sitting on a micro switch. If you have some warm TPU on your nozzle from a prior print it can pull the rod out of the hole. Yeah, you can change your homing macro to move a bit in x/y before moving in z after hitting the stop, but sex bolt makes the problem go away.