It has to be stated that Elon Musk likely did not wake up one day and think the world would be a better place if social media websites were renamed to names that are awkward and difficult to use in everyday conversation. I also cannot imagine that he saw the issues going on with Twitter and thought “You know who should help out, me. A billionaire like me who already has too much influence on society.” These actions are about control, and the censoring of anyone who goes against Musk just makes it more obvious. Forcing everyone to refer to twitter by some ridiculous confusing name and then turning it into an echo chamber of musk-approved content is not very promising for people who do not want bourgeois domination of the world.

Social media is a battleground because it is where the masses express their opinions and thoughts about various topics, one of which is the current trends of power and governance of society. Social media can be a pacifier but over time as more and more people develop revolutionary ideas, it has the opposite effect and can be used to encourage activism and resistance against the regime. If social media becomes a place where people discuss western imperialism, class struggle, and where they seek justice for the wrongs of society, and where oppressed people can speak out on what is being done to them, then the people have successfully utilized social media spaces for positive change.

The bourgeoisie obviously are scared of this happening, so what they do is they literally just buy social media as if it was groceries or some object that you can just own. In the modern era, owning the internet is almost like owning land because it is such a commodity and it has so much potential to harm or help society. Land produces crops and websites produce propaganda. In the past it was difficult to find free land for maroons or rebels to organize, but the internet is infinite which makes it hard to stop the masses from having their own spaces on it. The reason the bourgeoisie are scrambling to control and dominate the internet is because it provides so many people with a way to communicate ideas that harm their control over society.