It’s like, at first, it was relatively apolitical except maybe the New Atheists who got popular by criticizing the mostly right-wing religious nutjobs.

But then, I think around the mid-2010s, it started to get super political. Suddenly, everybody started to talk about how the evil wacky feminazi SJWs were trying to destroy gaming and our culture?

At this point, it seems like many people have snapped out of it and are making fun of these “anti-woke” crazies, but what materially caused this phenomenon to happen in the first place and why does it still persist to an extent?

    8 months ago

    Was talking to this POS in another thread, they were saying some very sus things about Israel, insisting that Israel isn’t really the US’s “friend” because Israel doesn’t directly send troops to fight in US wars or something.

    I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt and asked them to clarify, but a part of me wondered whether they were being openly antisemitic and were literally trying to argue that (((Israel))) is secretly running the US. Now I know why they never actually gave me a straight answer when I asked them to clarify, because they’re a fascist. And to think, I just assumed they were a garden variety debatebro!