Principia is, in its simplest form, a physics-based sandbox game. In Principia, you can build contraptions and simulate them in the physics simulation. This could be a mechanical contraption, an RC car, or a pinball game. Principia also contains a LuaScript object which allows you to write and create Lua programs that can interact with and affect the simulation.

Hello, Principia 2024.02.29 has now been released. On leap day of all days! As usual, you can find downloads on the Download page. This is the first release with the new CalVer versioning scheme, where the version name reflects the date of which the version was released (YYYY.MM.DD). This technically is the first “full” open source release even though it is not that much different from the previous beta builds versioned by their release date. Switching to CalVer allows us to release versions more frequently rather than working towards a full version where the amount of changes need to reflect a given version increment. This time around, the level version has not been incremented but the version code has in fact been incremented. Official Linux binaries are now available in the form of an AppImage and Principia will soon also be available on F-Droid. For more information about the changes in this release see the Changelog. Previous beta builds have been retroactively renamed to follow the new versioning format in the changelog. Thanks to kittynunu for giving the emotional support and motivation to get this version released right in time on leap day of 2024.