When urban renewal goes wrong: Inside a dead mall frozen in 1990.

Very interesting short film by Bright Sun Films. Along with the usual urban exploration bits, he gives a good history of how and why it failed.

The shopping centre was supposed to revitalise downtown Hamilton, Ontario.

But within six years, it had just a 40% occupancy rate.

A decade after opening, it sold for only CAN$3.6 million — just 5% of what it originally cost to build.


#urbanism #UrbanPlanning #Canada #Ontario @urbanism #UrbanRenewal #malls #DeadMalls #UrbEx #UrbanExplaration

  • Richard@mstdn.ca
    8 months ago

    @ajsadauskas @urbanism I lived in Hamilton at that time. That mall really wasn’t on anyone’s radar for shopping mostly because of parking issues and the hassle of downtown traffic. We had several other malls in the city with acres of free parking to choose from.