There I was planning my Cuban vacation for all of fifteen minutes and then I found out Americans are not allowed to go to Cuba for tourism. WHAT THE HELL OBAMA.

But seriously. What a dumb fucking rule. Death to America

    7 months ago

    Some disclaimers:

    • Commenting based on what I’ve read, not what I’ve done. Though Cuba is definitely a place I want to see.
    • I’m assuming “what the hell Obama” wasn’t sarcastic. If not, I’m probably going to sound tonedeaf.
    • I realize this is a Marxist instance commenting about traveling to a communist country. My values don’t align with that, though I suspect they aren’t terribly far off. Still, we may have different mindsets, if that comes up.

    My disclaimer will probably be longer than the rest of my comment, nonetheless, here we go!

    The important part is that, as I understand it, Americans aren’t restricted to traveling to Cuba. You can’t go without a reason, but that reason can be “Support for the Cuban people”. That should be the reason for your visit. And you’re restricted from using government owned businesses. But you can go and experience the country.

    Re: Obama specifically. The fact that you can even do that much is thanks to Obama . He’s responsible for the loosening of travel restrictions.