The president has been going after his presumptive 2024 opponent with a little more venom than usual

Joe Biden is taking it to Donald Trump.

The president’s campaign responded to Trump’s wild press conference in New York on Monday by slamming the former president as “weak and desperate — both as a man and a candidate for President.”

“He spent the weekend golfing, the morning comparing himself to Jesus, and the afternoon lying about having money he definitely doesn’t have,” the statement read, adding that “America deserves better than a feeble, confused, and tired Donald Trump.”

    7 months ago

    I don’t know the answer. Nobody does. It’s a personal question. I’m glad you’re asking yourself and thinking about it. That’s my goal.

      7 months ago

      This is something anyone with self awareness has been wrestling with our whole lives. The problem is the debate is bogged down by factionalism and thus the death of nuance. The answer is always “team ____!” Anything straying from that, like questioning the role in geopolitics or capitalism/neoliberalism, is seen as “being for the other side.” Which is so. Incredibly. Insane.

      And that void is taken up by “well then don’t vote” people. And that…can’t be the answer either when vulnerable populations hang in the balance. It really is a no-win situation.

      And that is because you’re either submitting to an oppressive, unfair, unjust system, or you’re holding your own “purity” of being above it up as more important than the people who’d be hurt by the more harmful option if you don’t sacrifice that “purity” for people others’ well-being.

      Modern life does not lend itself to simple answers without caveats and sacrifices and, unfortunately, siding with people you really don’t agree with. But being “above it” only to be able to say you’re above it is so incredibly selfish and a decision that only people privileged enough to not be oppressed or have their existence be up for debate can make. You’re either the manipulated or the oppressed. The trick is to be as aware and informed as possible, weigh the ramifications of any and all decisions—as well as the entire cascading flowchart of repurcussions from any and all decisions—and do the best you can. Casting stones at people trying to navigate this supremely unjust and undesirable position doesn’t make any sense. We are all trying to do what we think is best for the most people—those of us that care enough to think of others. Every decision is going to come with a slate of distasteful knock-on effects. That’s just the bitter pill of modern life.

        7 months ago


        Hopefully we burn ourselves out before we spread to other planets. We’ve done enough here.

      7 months ago

      No. You’re not here to have a discussion and make people ‘think’ about anything. You’re here to insert enough Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt into the process to corrupt it to your ends. You’re here to exploit our disdain for the fact that we can’t seem to get a better choice than what we have right now to steer us in the direction of the tyrannical Mussolini-quoting, Hitler-worshipping wannabe tinpot dictator. You and all your other friends who are pushing this nonsense that Biden is somehow as bad as or even worse than Trump, bringing up his very frankly 20th Century approach to the problems of Israel as some indication that he’s a monster that makes Trump look heroic in an attempt to steer us to wasting our votes on a third party that has no chance in hell of getting more votes than Trump if you can’t get us to vote for Trump outright to ‘tear down the system’. And some of us are calling you and yours out on this…