copypasta below. Edited slightly for clarity and sanity’s sake

Upgrade Your Ship Even Further!
By Ambassador Kael | Mon 04 Sep 2023 08:00:00 AM PDT

Experimental technology has long been one of Starfleet’s greatest strengths. Recently, they extended their Experimental Ship Upgrade technology to the rest of the Khitomer Alliance, and now that has paid off in spades. Federation, Romulan, Klingon and Dominion scientists working in concert have expanded these Experimental Ship Upgrades to double their power, and when Star Trek Online: Incursion launches, you’ll be able to take advantage.

Ships can now be upgraded one level past the previous T6-X. In addition to the upgrades that came with applying an Experimental Ship Upgrade token) the first time, applying the T6-X to T6-X2 upgrade adds an additional:

Cost breakdown:

  • Upgrading a T6 ship to T6-X requires 1 Experimental Ship Upgrade Token
  • Upgrading a T6-X ship to T6-X2 requires 2 Experimental Ship Upgrade Tokens

In other words, upgrading a stock T6 ship to T6-X2 will cost a total of 3 Experimental Ship Upgrade Tokens. The full upgrade gives you a total of 2 ship devices, 2 universal consoles, and 2 starship traits.

Enjoy having even more versatile ships to explore the cosmos, Captains! We’ll see you in game.

    1 year ago

    I’m with you on the exploitative and shitty if you want to git gud, but I have to say this game doesn’t require top shelf gear or traits to do well. I have a completely F2P, grind-free alt with just reputation gear and weapons upgraded to Mk XV using Romulan rep upgrades from admiralty, using the fleet ship module bought Fleet JHV temporal warship and no exchange traits – it absolutely tears stuff up. Over 100k DPS in ISA, 120k on a really good day. That’s enough to carry most teams through advanced TFOs.

    I did this to show what was possible with zero cash investment, just 70 days wait to get reps to tier 6. Polaron weapons from the starter bug ship (JH toon, not even Romulan), fleet deflector, Discovery 3 piece, crafted weapon damage batteries and RS3, Morphogenic 3 piece, fleet damage locators. Other slots filled mostly with mission, +polaron damage rep gear and whatever Bellum stuff dropped while leveling disco rep.

    If I were to buy Emergency Weapon Cycle and Calm Before the Storm (to go with Withering fire extension trait from the free KDF recruit BoP) for something like $30 stacking zen charge bonus and end of the year Mudd’s 3 c-store coupons for 4500 zen I could push that much higher. Would blow the 3rd coupon on the Lexington or Gagarin.

    Yes, DOMINO, DPRM, immolating phaser lance, go down fighting, etc etc all add and add. But they each add 20% or so. The spend to get to 100-200k, still in the top 10% of all players is much smaller.

    Now, the spend for space barbie… That can get insane. Still, a free account can have 9 toons. That’s a lot of daily dilzen, and tons of EC from the summer and winter events. Can be done, but is grindier than most Korean titles.