Don’t get me wrong, I will probably cave at the last minute and vote SNP again for a number of reasons. Mostly, being supportive of a number of their progressive policies that I have benefited from over the years, and also because my constituency is a two horse race between them and the Tories who I will never vote for. Though the SNP are probably now at their lowest point in years since they finally managed to oust Sturgeon.

I will also never vote Labour, they have no identity here and during the 2019 election they were campaigning for the Tories to oust SNP here, so 100% fuck them too.

I once voted for Lib Dem and we ended up with the catastrophic Clegg/Cameron coalition (though due to FPTP my vote didn’t matter there.)

I would like to vote for Green, but it would be a wasted vote here.

It’s just bizarre to me that Westminster’s voting system is such that a vast majority of votes in the UK are binned, how is this considered normal?

Sorry for the rant, but I am just so incredibly disillusioned with politics in this shitehole of a country but absolutely refuse to be passive about it since that is what they want us to be.

  • Echo
    7 months ago

    I’m not so sure though. The reason that labour are winning is not because of anything they’ve done, and everything because of what the Tories have done. They know that, they also know that the public have very short memories and they may very well decide in 2025 that they should give the Tories another go. Now of course it all depends on what ends up happening in the next 5 years which of course is something that cannot be predicted but it’s certainly a possibility they will have to think about.

    They know the public want a different voting system so it may very well be a good vote winner while at the same time the alternate system would basically ensure that the extreme hard right Tories (Which at this point is basically the whole party) would never get into power again. It could kill two birds with one stone.