Just so tired of almost every time a doctor submits stuff to insurance, we have to be the ones to make multiple phone calls to both the doctor’s office and insurance to iron everything out, figure out what the issue is (it’s always a different issue), and basically be the go-between for the office and insurance. What am I paying $500+/month for?! It’s like paying for the privilege of having an exhausting part-time job.

And yes, I understand that insurance wants to weasel out of paying anything, but this isn’t even shadiness, just straight up incompetence and lack of communication/following procedures. The amount of emotional energy we have to spend untangling this stuff leaves us drained.

  • iamanoldguy@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    I’ve seen that graph before. One of the ways I interpret it is that as one ages we contribute less (money) to the system, mainly in taxes, SS, Medicare taxes. When we become old and retire we become a burden on the system that we’ve contributed for decades. The “system “ whoever that may be no longer cares about our health and longevity because they already have their money and the lower our life expectancy the less they have to pay out. Collect for decades only to pay out for a few years and we die up to a decade earlier than other countries on average.